Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Love is more than a four letter word.

It packs more power than any we've heard.

Love can turn a frown into a smile make our day more worth while.

Love never fails, live never tires makes more heat than many fires.

Love makes us tingle and walk on air helps us do things we wouldn't dare.

Love is a dream, a sweet fantasy but it is also life and reality.

Love can fly us up so high drop is liw when it says goodbye.

Love can do and new love return better than before you will learn.

Love that is perfect and is right may come along any day or night.

Yes Love is lore than a four letter word it's the most wonderful word you have heard.


Friday, April 16, 2010

** Friendship **


Friendship Meanings…..
Faithful ....................
A friend is always faithful to you, even during the bad times.
Reliable ....................
A friend is reliable, you can count on them to always be there.
In touch ...................
A friend stays in touch, even though it may not be as often as you'd like!
Enduring ..................
A true friendship is enduring, lasting even when friends lose touch for a while.
Needed ...............
A friend is always there for you when you need someone to hug.
Devoted .........
A friend is devoted to your friendship and will never do anything to destroy it...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

** ज़िंदगी में दोस्त **

लोग कहते हैं ज़मीं पर किसी को खुदा नहीं मीलता,
शायद उन लोगों को दोस्त कोई तुम-सा नहीं मिलता,,,

किस्मतवालों को ही मिलती है पनाह कीसी के DIL में,
यूं हर शख़्स को तो जन्नत का पता नहीं मिलता,,,

अपने सायें से भी ज़यादा यकीं है मुझे तुम पर,
अंधेरों में तुम तो मिल जाते हो, साया नहीं मिलता,,,

इस बेवफ़ा ज़िंदगी से शायद मुझे इतनी मोहब्बत ना होती,
अगर इस ज़िंदगी में दोस्त कोई तुम जैसा नहीं मिलता,,,,

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


**True friends are those " "
who care without hesitations,
who remember without limitations,
who give without expectations
and love even without communication.
Friendship doesnt need everyday conversation
doesn't always need togetherness,
as long as the relationship is kept in the heart,
true friends never go apart..........**