Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keyboard Function Keys..

This time we'll be talking about extended combinations like ALT, CTRL and Shift, and how they alter each F-key's function. Just to recap, the function keys are the line of “F” keys going across the top of your keyboard going from F1 to F12.
Today we'll be covering F1 through F4.

Note: Do not expect all of these key combinations to work. Some of them may be program specific, or obsolete. If you're slamming the keys and nothing is happening, move on! :)

Shift + F1 = This reveals the formatting of the current document (MS Word)
ALT + F1 = Go to next field
ALT + Shift + F1 = Go to previous field
CTRL + ALT + F1 = Display Microsoft System Info (Does not appear to work under Windows Vista)
CTRL + Shift + F1 = Change the font (Does not appear to work under Windows Vista)

Shift + F2 = Copy Text
CTRL + F2 = Print preview command (MS Word)
ALT + Shift + F2 = Save command (MS Word)
CTRL + ALT + F2 = Open command (MS Word)

Shift + F3 = Changes text case (MS Word)
CTRL + F3 = Program specific. Experiment with this one, but save your work first!
ALT + F3 = Creates a building block (MS Word)

Shift + F4 = Repeat a find or Go To action (MS Word)
CTRL + F4 = Close the active window (MS Word)
Alt + F4 = Close the active program. If no programs are open you can shut your computer down with this combination!

Shift + F5 = Move to a previous revision (MS Word)
CTRL + F5 = Unconditional Refresh (Refreshes Internet Explorer from Internet, not cache)
ALT + F5 = Closes the Word Program (although nothing happened for me)
CTRL + F5 = Restore document window size (Apparently not functional)

Shift + F6 = Program specific. Experiment at your own risk, and don't forget to save your work first!
CTRL + F6 = Cycles forwards between open windows within a program
CTRL + Shift + F6 = Cycles backwards between open windows within a program

Shift + F7 = Opens the Thesaurus command in MS Word.
CTRL + F7 = Program specific. Experiment with this one, but save your work first!
CTRL + Shift + F7 = Updates linked information in a Word document.
ALT + F7 = Finds the next misspelling or grammatical error.

Shift + F8 = Shrink current selection (MS Word)
CTRL + F8 = Program specific. In Microsoft Project it resizes the project window.
Alt + F8 = Opens the macro menu (MS Word)

F9 (Note: These combinations apply to MS Word and other programs)
Shift + F9 = Switch between field code and it's result
CTRL + F9 = Insert and empty field
CTRL + Shift + F9 = Unlink a field
ALT + F9 = Switch between all field codes and their results

F10 (Note: Yet another MS Word situation)
Shift + F10 =Displays the shortcut menu
CTRL + F10 = Maximizes the document window
CTRL + Shift + F10 = Activates the ruler (Non-functional for me)
ALT + F10 = Maximizes the program window

Shift + F11 = Go to previous field (MS Word)
CTRL + F11 = Lock a field
CTRL+ Shift+ F11 = Unlock a field
ALT + F11 = Display Microsoft Visual Basic Code
ALT + SHIFT + F11 = Display Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Shift + F12 = Choose the Save Command (MS Word)
CTRL + F12 = Choose the Open Command
CTRL+ Shift+ F12 = Choose the Print Command

I hope you've enjoyed F-keys functions..

Note :- Do not expect all of these key combinations to work. Some of them may be program specific, or obsolete. If you're slamming the keys in frustration and nothing is happening, move on! :)

Karan Solanki..

FrIeNdS 4 eVeR..

Sweet words are easy to say,
Sweet things are easy 2 buy,
but sweet people are difficult to find.

Life ends when u stop dreaming,
hope ends when u stop believing,
Love ends when u stop caring,

Friendship ends when u stop sharing.

So share this with whom ever u consider a friend.To love without condition.....................
To talk without intention.........
To give without reason............ and
To care without expectation.......

is the heart of a true friend....................................
"fRiEnDs 4 EvEr"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Internet Explorer 7 Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts:
Open links in a new tab in the background CTRL+click
Open links in a new tab in the foreground CTRL+SHIFT+click
Open a new tab in the foreground CTRL+T
Open a new tab from the Address bar ALT+ENTER
Open a new tab from the search box ALT+ENTER
Open Quick Tabs (thumbnail view) CTRL+Q
Switch between tabs CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Switch to a specific tab number CTRL+n (n can be 1-8)
Switch to the last tab CTRL+9
Close current tab CTRL+W
Close all tabs ALT+F4
Close other tabs CTRL+ALT+F4

Mouse shortcuts
Open a link in a background tab Click the middle mouse button on a link
Open a new tab Double-click the empty space to the right of the last tab
Close a tab Click the middle mouse button on the tab

Saturday, April 11, 2009

General Tips & Tricks..

= Disable CD Autorun =
1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC

2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.

3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.

= Copy Files and Folders to CD =
To copy files and folders to a CD
•Insert a blank, writable CD into the CD recorder.
•Open My Computer.
•Click the files or folders you want to copy to the CD. To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while you click the files you want. Then, under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file, Copy this folder, or Copy the selected items.

•If the files are located in My Pictures, under Picture Tasks, click Copy to CD or Copy all items to CD, and then skip to step 5.

•In the Copy Items dialog box, click the CD recording drive, and then click Copy.

•In My Computer, double–click the CD recording drive. Windows displays a temporary area where the files are held before they are copied to the CD. Verify that the files and folders that you intend to copy to the CD appear under Files Ready to be Written to the CD.

•Under CD Writing Tasks, click Write these files to CD. Windows displays the CD Writing Wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard.


•Do not copy more files to the CD than it will hold. Standard CDs hold up to 650 megabytes (MB). High–capacity CDs hold up to 850 MB.

•Be sure that you have enough disk space on your hard disk to store the temporary files that are created during the CD writing process. For a standard CD, Windows reserves up to 700 MB of the available free space. For a high–capacity CD, Windows reserves up to 1 gigabyte (GB) of the available free space.

•After you copy files or folders to the CD, it is useful to view the CD to confirm that the files are copied. For more information, click Related Topics.
To stop the CD recorder from automatically ejecting the CD

•Open My Computer.
•Right–click the CD recording drive, and then click Properties.
•On the Recording tab, clear the Automatically eject the CD after writing check box.
= Hide 'User Accounts' from users =
Go to Start/Run, and type:
Open the path
User Config > Admin Templates > Control Panel
doubleclick "Hide specified Control Panel applets"
put a dot in 'enabled', then click 'Show"
click Add button,
type "nusrmgt.cpl" into the add box ...

For more information :----
Follow on----
Karan Solanki..